Nepal – CB Foreign Direct Investment

Nepal – CB Foreign Direct Investment

On 9 September 2021, NPL CB published report on FDI in Nepal during 2019/20.

  • NPL CB issued 5th report on foreign direct investment (FDI) survey in Nepal 2019/20.
  • Follows NPL CB June 2021, updated on accounting of foreign investment.


  • Aimed at policymakers/stakeholders for monitoring FDI inflows, trends, and stock.
  • Survey presents latest FDI stock data based on firms that received FDI in Nepal.
  • Estimates FDI stock at book value and country/sector-wise distribution of FDI stock.
  • Covers face value of foreign liabilities of Nepalese companies arising on account of FDI.
  • These statistics are used in balance of payments and international investment position.
  • Global FDI flows declined by 35% in 2020 due to Covid; challenging for developing countries where FDI seen as external finance, sustainable growth and recovery source.
  • Outlines Nepal's reforming policies and procedures to promote and facilitate FDI.