Solutions Atlantic collaborates with investment industry leaders in the areas of regulatory expertise and intelligence, market distribution, and complementary mid and back office solutions. We look for strategic alliances that not only look good on paper but feel good as well. We believe in transparency among our providers to foster a strong collaborative working relationship to ensure success isn’t just on paper.
If you’re interested in providing services or collaborating with Solutions Atlantic please contact us at +1.617.423.2699 or email "Alliances"

Because shareholding disclosure regulatory intelligence is critical to the reliability of the Regulatory Reporting System, Solutions Atlantic takes it very seriously. Therefore, we have aligned ourselves with the market-leading information from aosphere Limited, offered through their Rulefinder Shareholding Disclosure solution. Solutions Atlantic uses this data to write the substantial shareholding rules in RRS, helping us to ensure the rules are reliable, current, and complete. aosphere Limited has been offering online legal information services for more than a decade and serves over 5,000 users worldwide across its services.
As a customer of the Regulatory Reporting System, you can rest easy knowing that the Shareholding Disclosure rules in the RRS Rules Library are written by Solutions Atlantic’s on staff subject matter experts using legal information derived from a highly reputable source. As part of your RRS license, customers benefit from direct access to Rulefinder Shareholding Disclosure so customers can maintain their own knowledge of the regulatory environment.

Monitoring regulatory developments is a burden for most organizations and so too at Solutions Atlantic. That’s why we partner with the industry leader in tracking and summarizing regulatory developments around the globe. Through a single feed, Solutions Atlantic can keep track of developments from over 300 regulators. This is just another way we ensure that we are at the forefront of any new regulatory requirement before it becomes an issue for our customers.