On 27 September 2023, AST GVT registered instruments set out below re the consult above, and an explanatory statement for each; all instruments commence on 28 September 2023.
- Registered instrument ASIC corporations (changing the responsible entity) instrument 2023/681; ASIC corporations (takeover bids) instrument 2023/683; as well as the ASIC corporations (compulsory acquisitions and buyouts) instrument 2023/684.
- In addition, registered instrument titled ASIC corporations (bidder giving substantial shareholding notice) instrument 2023/685; and instrument ASIC corporations (on-sale disclosure relief for scrip bids and schemes of arrangement) instrument 2023/686.
- AST GVT also registered instrument ASIC corporations (warrants: relevant interests and associations) instrument 2023/687; as well as the instrument titled ASIC corporations (replacement bidders and targets statements) instrument 2023/688.
- It also registered ASIC corporations credit and superannuation (amendment and repeal) instrument 2023/699; each explanatory statement states AST ASIC received 4 submissions on CP 365; AST ASIC took these into account in making the instruments.
- Said details of submissions are within REP 773 response to submissions on CP 365.
- All of these instruments, with the exception of instrument 2023/699, are self repealing and are to be repealed by 1 October 2028; instrument 2023/699 sunsets on 1 October 2033.