On 18 August 2023, PAK SEC proposed revision to listed companies rules.
- PAK SEC proposed amendments to the Listed companies (substantial acquisition of voting shares and takeovers) regulations, to establish a fair, transparent, and competitive framework for takeover transactions involving shares of listed companies.
- Document dated 18 August 2023, received from PAK SEC 21 August, summarized 22 August.
- Offer increased flexibility to minority shareholders of target company, providing them with choice of receiving their consideration in cash or securities with a cash alternative.
- The criteria for the securities that can be offered as consideration are being refined.
- Only shares of listed companies, listed debt instruments, and government securities with a remaining maturity of up to 364 days can be offered during public offers.
- There are improvements in method of valuing the securities offered as consideration.
- Only highly liquid securities will be accepted as collateral by the acquirer's manager.
- Amendments also aim to define terms previously used in the regulations but not yet defined, enhancing clarity and consistent interpretation throughout the regulations.
- The consultation is open for 14 days, i.e. 31 August 2023.