On 6 March 2024, AIMA filed amicus brief in case challenging SEC rules.
- AIMA jointly with National Association of Private Fund Managers (NAPFM) and MFA filed brief challenging the SEC's securities lending and short position reporting rules.
- Follows 3 November 2023 SEC securities lending final rule and SEC short position final rule both became effective as of 2 January 2024.
Court Case Overview
- The associations filed the brief in the case NA of Private Fund Managers v. SEC.
- According to AIMA, the case is about two rules that impose inconsistent requirements for the public disclosure of the same market activity: short selling of securities.
- The rules are indisputably interconnected and were finalized on the same day.
- However, neither rule considered how the two disclosure requirements interact.
Contradictory SEC Rules
- In the final short selling rule, the SEC acknowledges the benefits of short selling.
- When explaining its rationale for a short selling disclosure framework with aggregated, anonymized, and delayed public reporting, the SEC cited the benefits of short selling.
- The benefits to price discovery, liquidity, and good corporate governance.
- Accordingly, the SEC expressed its desire not to inhibit the short selling practice.
- But at same time, the SEC adopted the securities lending rule that has opposite effect.
- The securities lending disclosure framework will have the effect of reducing short selling by publishing granular data on individual securities loans almost immediately.
- SEC never evaluated cumulative economic effect of the two rules on affected parties or the harm to price efficiency, market liquidity, competition, or capital formation.
- Instead, it adopted contradictory disclosure frameworks without any explanation.
Argument for Vacating Rules
- The associations, as petitioners, requested that both SEC rules be vacated by the court
- An argument for vacating is SEC engaged in arbitrary and capricious rulemaking.
- The SEC did so when it adopted two interrelated rules without acknowledging or explaining their contradictory approaches to disclosure of the same market activity.
- The SEC violated SEA and APA by conducting separate economic analyses.
- Analyses which ignored the cumulative impact of the two interrelated rules.
- The securities lending rule is contrary to the statute and the SEC’s own prior views.
- SEC deprived public of meaningful opportunity to comment on material rule changes.
- In addition, the SEC did not reasonably explain why it refused to adopt a less burdensome alternative than the regime it ultimately adopted in the short sale rule.