Russia – Gov’t Updated Disclosure Rules

Russia – Gov’t Updated Disclosure Rules

On 2 July 2024, RUS GVT amended significant firms' disclosure regulations.

  • RUS GVT issued decree 569 amending decree 73 on the temporary procedure for disclosing and providing information by business entities that are economically significant organizations and certain other persons.
  • Follows, RUS GVT January 2024, decree on disclosure by significant firms.


  • Economically significant organizations are required to notify RUS ECON of the presence or absence of foreign persons directly/indirectly owning shares in these organizations.
  • The information is sent RUS CB if these organizations or their subsidiaries are credit or non-credit financial organizations and regulators may send this information RUS MIA, RUS Courts, and the FSB at their request for review in criminal or administrative cases.
  • It is not necessary to report on owners with a shareholding of less than 5% if the shares of economically significant organizations are admitted to trading on RUS EXC.
  • RUS CB/RUS ECON will, at the request of significant organizations, issue conclusions on the presence/absence of foreign owners with a validity period of 3 months.
  • On their basis, more conclusions can be drawn up on compliance with the requirements for owners of economically significant organizations for submission to RUS GVT.


  • The decree comes into force immediately.