Germany – BaFin Fines for Substantial Shareholding Reporting Failure

Germany – BaFin Fines for Substantial Shareholding Reporting Failure

On 20 August 2024, GE BaFin issued €1,600,000 fine to NBSH Acquisition for substantial shareholding reporting failure.

  • GE BaFin imposed fines totaling €1,600,000 on NBSH Acquisition LLC on 27 May 2024.
  • The company violated obligations of section 33(1) of the German Securities trading act (WpHG) by not submitting substantial shareholding notifications within the prescribed period.
  • The administrative fine order issued by GE BaFin is final and binding.


  • Shareholders must notify the issuer and BaFin within 4 trading days if voting rights touch certain thresholds; a reporting form must be used for voting rights notification.
  • This is regulated in section 12 (1) of Securities trading notification ordinance (WpAV).
  • If a reporting party fails to notify the issuer and GE BaFin in good time if its shares exceed or fall below certain thresholds, it violates section 33 (1) sentence 1 of WpHG.
  • GE BaFin can punish substantial shareholding disclosure failures with a fine with a maximum penalty of up to €10mn or up to 5% of the company in question's total turnover.
  • Obligation to notify voting rights serves to ensure transparency of the capital market.
  • Intended to increase attractiveness of Germany as a financial center in international competition and strengthen investor confidence in the functioning of the stock market.