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Canada -IIROC Short Position Reports

On 26 October 2018, IIROC issued consolidated short position reports (CSPR). CSPR provide aggregate short position of all listed, quoted securities as of 15th, last day of each month on IIROC-submitted data by members, access persons. Follows IIROC March 2018 notice on short position calculation, reporting. Content of Report To include security name, symbol, listing…
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Germany – BaFin Updates Major Shareholding Form

With effect of 30 October 2018 amendments of the Securities Trading Reporting Regulation (Wertpapierhandelsanzeigeverordnung [WpAV]) and BaFin‘s Ordinance on Notifications of Major Holdings under sec. 33 et seq. WpHG (StimmRMV – so far available only in German) will enter into force.
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