- On 11 July 2023, UK Treasury published a document summarizing responses received.
- On same day UK Chancellor announced launch Mansion House reforms.
- It sets out the next steps for replacing the SSR with a UK-tailored regulatory regime for short selling, including key changes to short selling disclosure requirements.
- FCA will be given rule-making powers to deliver firm-facing aspects of new UK short selling regime; when FCA consults on a short selling regime to replace the SSR, it will take responses to the call for evidence and the views of the government into account.
- Based on feedback provided, UK GVT is also making 2 key changes to improve UK's short selling regulatory framework: replace current public disclosure regime based on individual net short positions with an aggregated net short position disclosure regime.
- Increase disclosure threshold for net short position reporting to FCA, 0.1% to 0.2%.
- On same day UK Treasury consulted on sovereign debt, default swaps.