Tag Archives: shareholding disclosure

Germany – BaFin Imposes Fine for Late Shareholding Disclosure

On 12 October 2020, GE BaFin imposed share threshold publishing breach. BaFin announced that on 7 October  2020, it imposed €600,000 fine on Covestro AG. For violation of section 130 paragraph 1 of the Administrative Offenses Act (OWiG) together with section 40, paragraph 1, clause 2 of the Securities Trading Act (WpHG). Imposed due to…
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Sweden – FI Fines for Late Shareholding Disclosure Reporting

On 8 October 2020, the Swedish regulator, Finansinspektionen fined StrateVic Finance Group AB  for breach of the obligation to publish shareholding information about an increase in the number of shares and votes in StrateVic Finance Group AB. StrateVic Finance Group AB shall pay a penalty of SEK 200,000.
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France – GVT Foreign Investment Screening

On 30 April 2020, FR GVT adapted rules on investments during Covid. FR GVT adapted control of foreign investments in France (IEF), during the Covid crisis. Minister of Economy and Finance announced the adaptation of a procedure on 29 April 2020. Foreign Direct Investment First, long-term inclusion of biotechnologies in critical technologies list for IEF control.…
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Sweden – FI Fine Late Shareholding Disclosure

On 28 January 2020, SWE FI fined Vulcan for late disclosure of holdings. Vulcan Value Partners LLC fined penalty of SEK 340,000, for late reporting of holdings. That holding of shares in the company Concentric AB, had fallen below a flagging limit. Key Facts On 26 September 2017, Vulcan reduced shareholding in Concentric, to under…
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