Tag Archives: MiFID

Norway – Govt Changes to MiFID II, MiFID

On 3 June 2024, NOR GVT issued two EEA notes on the potential changes to both MiFID II and MiFIR, setting out the areas for consideration for changes to be made. On MiFID II, NOR GVT set out the change by introducing Directive 2024/790, of 28 February 2024 amending Dir 2014/65, on markets in financial…
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U.K. – FCA MiFID Transaction Reporting

On 28 February 2022, FCA issued Handbook Notice 96 on reporting, passports. UK FCA issued the Technical Standards (Markets in Financial Instruments) (Transaction Reporting) Instrument 2022 (FCA 2022/4), as part of its Handbook Notice 96. Follows FCA Dec. 2021 issued CP21/35 quarterly consultation paper 34. Transaction Reporting Following consultation in CP 21/35, FCA Board has…
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Finland – FSA MiFID Market Data Guidelines

On 25 October 2o21, FINFSA issued rules to comply with ESMA guidance. FINFSA regulations/guidelines dated 12 October 2021 on market information obligations. Follows ESMA August 2021 translated guidelines on MiFID II/MiFIR duties. FINFSA recommends that relevant entities comply with ESMA's guidelines. ESMA's guidelines are addressed to trading entities under the control of the national competent…
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Netherlands – AFM MiFID Market Data Guidelines

On 18 October 2021, NLD AFM compliance with ESMA market data guidelines. NLD AFM announced compliance with ESMA guidelines for MiFID2/MIFIR market data. Follows ESMA August 2021 translated guidelines on MiFID II/MiFIR duties. Overview Guidelines will ensure better and uniform application of the MiFID II/MiFIR obligations. The guidelines apply to national competent authorities, trading venues,…
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Croatia – HANFA MIFID II Market Data Guide

On 7 October 2021, CRO HANFA said will comply with MiFID II ESMA guidelines. CRO HANFA announced compliance with ESMA guidelines on MiFID II market data. Follows ESMA August 2021 translated guidelines on MiFID II/ MiFIR duties. Overview Board adopted guidelines that contribute to increasing capital market's transparency. Transparency both in pre- and post trading,…
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E.U. – ESMA MiFID RTS2 Annual Review

On 28 July 2021, ESMA issued MiFID/MiFIR annual review report on RTS 2. ESMA published MiFID II/MiFIR Annual review report under EC reg 2017/583 (RTS 2). Follows ESMA May 2021 sought input on RTS 2 annual review report. Recommendations ESMA suggests to the European Commission to move to stage 3 for the average daily number…
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