In The News
On 8 October 2019 Thai SEC proposed changes on investment transactions. SEC is preparing rules for investors to buy, sell investment units more conveniently. To enable the public to have access to and use the Thai capital market for savings and investments, SEC is making proposals to create opportunities and reduce limitations. By leveraging advances…
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On 2 October 2019, BRZ CVM repealed specific rules re investment funds. BRZ CVM issued instruction 615 repealing specific rules for investment funds. Overview Amends, repeals provisions dealing with registration at securities registry, other regulations governing investment funds, detailed in instruction itself (12 items). Circular 11/2019/CVM/SIN disseminating information re instruction issued also. As per law…
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On 4 October 2019, PHI SEC proposed amendments to the REIT Act. Proposed amendments will relax minimum public ownership requirement, impose rules on reinvestment of REIT proceeds and enhance controls for related party transactions. Amendments Adjusted minimum public ownership requirement to the level prescribed by REIT Act. Included reinvestment requirement for REIT sponsor or promoter…
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On 2 October 2019, UK GVT issued no-deal Brexit guidance for DCMS sectors. Guides issued for digital, culture, media, sports sectors regarding preparing for Brexit. Sector-Level Guides 8 point checklist to understand preparations for a no deal Brexit, if work in gambling. 10 point checklist regarding no-deal if provide digital, technology, computer services. And a…
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On 2 October 2019, EU ESMA updated its FAQs on transparency and market structures. Updated FAQ for transparency issues (S 3 Equity transparency Q5) clarifies that for ETFs there is only one average daily turnover (ADT) band from which to choose the highest threshold to be used to calculate the average value of transactions (AVT).…
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On 2 October 2019, Rulefinder reported a temporary short selling ban in two countries.
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