Tag Archives: voting rights

Germany – BaFin Goldman Sachs Fined

On 6 September 2019, GE BaFin fined Goldman €800k for voting rights. BaFin imposed a fine of 800,000 euros against Goldman Sachs on 12 August 2019. The sanction was based on a violation of German Federal Administrative Offenses Act section 130(1), in conjunction with German Securities Trading Act section 25(1). Goldman Sachs International had not…
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France – AMF Takeover Bid Trigger

On 27 June 2019, FR AMF announced amendments to general regulation. A decree of 19 June 2019, published in Official Journal of 21 June 2019, makes amendments to book II of general regulation on takeover bids and squeeze-out. Made pursuant to Article 75 I of Law No. 2019-486 of 22 May 2019 on growth and…
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