U.K. – Takeover Panel Amended Note RE: Central Counterparty

U.K. – Takeover Panel Amended Note RE: Central Counterparty

On 18 December 2023, UK TO Panel amended note re central counterparty.

  • UK TO Panel published Instrument 2023/4, which amends note 18 on rule 9.1 of the Takeover code, re bank and central counterparty recovery and resolution.


  • Introduces new paragraph stating that Rule 9.1 does not apply to certain transactions related to central counterparty (CCP) resolution tools, powers, mechanisms.
  • This exemption is in accordance with regulation 3 of CCP regulations, which modifies Companies act 2006 to exclude some transactions from mandatory offer requirement.
  • The amendments to note 18 on Rule 9.1 were made by the code committee without formal consultation, as they are a consequence of changes in legislation.


  • The amendments are effective from 31 December 2023.