Tag Archives: UCITS

Ireland – CB Updates UCITS FAQs

On 10 September 2021, IRE CB issued updated FAQs on UCITS. IRE CB issued 33rd edition of FAQs on UCITS so as to assist in limiting uncertainty. Follows IRE CB June 2021 issued FAQs, including on charity distributions. And follows IRE CB July 2021 issue of the 32nd edition of its UCITS FAQs. UCITS FAQs…
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E.U. – ESMA FAQs on UCITs, SFTR, Reporting

On 28 May 2021, ESMA issued FAQs on UCITs, SFTR reporting and others. ESMA announced updated questions and answers on a number of topics. Updated FAQs AIFMD; UCITS; EMIR implementation; MiFID II and MiFIR investor protection topics. Also on MiFIR data reporting topics; SFTR reporting; on implementation of CSDR. And on sustainability-related disclosures for benchmarks;…
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Luxembourg – CSSF UCITS FAQs 2020

On 7 August 2020, LUX CSSF issued version 9 of frequently asked questions concerning Luxembourg Law of 17 December 2010 relating to undertakings for collective investment. Added FAQ 1.13 on loans not constituting eligible investments for UCITS as they do not qualify as money market instruments within the meaning of article 1(23) of 2010 law.…
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Ireland – CB UCITS FAQs Amendments

On 29 January 2020, IRE CB issued twenty eighth edition of FAQ on UCITS. New Q&D ID 1094 relates to UCITS investment in CFDs, CLOs, CoCos, binary options. Also explains how this may be subject to enhanced scrutiny at the authorization phase.  
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E.U. – ESMA Report on UCITS Penalties

On 12 December 2019, EU ESMA issued second annual report on the sanctions imposed by NCAs under the UCITS directive (both on penalties and measures), for the year 2018. Number of NCAs issuing sanctions remains stable at 15, compared to 2016-17 year. Total number of sanctions issued has decreased based on a year on year…
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