Tag Archives: threshold

France – Gov’t Extends Lowered Threshold for Foreign Investment

On 24 December 2022, FR GVT issued decree no. 2022-1622 of 23 December 2022, extending the temporary lowering of the control threshold for foreign investments in companies. Whose shares are admitted to trading on a regulated market from 25% to 10%. The measure is extended for an additional year, from 31 December 2022, to 31…
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Poland – FSA Shareholding Disclosure Reporting Failure

On 9 August 2022, POL FSA fined firm's shareholder, Wojciech Babinski. POL FSA published its Jul. 14, 2022 decision to fine Wojciech Babinski PLN 7,130,000 for 13 violations of obligation to notify change after sale of shares in a company. Disclosure Breaches Babinski was the majority shareholder of the company, from its establishment, and during…
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Vietnam – SEC Derivative Securities Market

On 17 June 2022, VIE VSD issued update on the contents of decision 61/QD-VSD, specifically regarding regulations on clearing and settlement of derivative transactions. Clearing members are entitled to withdraw escrow assets if certain conditions are met. Such as when the rate of use of escrow assets after withdrawal is below the threshold. As well…
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Hong Kong – Consultation on Position Limit Reporting

On 2 June 2022, HKEX proposed to amend open position reporting. HKEX proposed to amend position limits, large open position reporting requirements. Follows HK SFC April 2022 proposed changes to position limit regime. Position Limits Add 2 tiers of 200k, 250k contracts to single stock option (SSO) position limit model. Introduce a 5-tiered exchange-level position…
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Singapore – SGX Adds Volume Threshold for Iron Ore CFR China

On 22 November 2021, SGX amended SGX FTR RN 4.1.11 appendix A, added volume threshold for SGX options on MB Iron Ore CFR China (65% Fe Fines) index futures. Also amended appendix B to add minimum tick schedule for the same contract. Changes come into effect from 6 December 2021.  
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U.K. – FCA Control Thresholds Update

On 6 September 2021, UK FCA updated webpage on control thresholds or bands. FCA updated its webpage giving guidance to firms on when to notify change in control. Overview Page sets out 4 bands of control for directive firms and gives definition of these firms. For non-directive firms there is only one threshold and one…
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