Tag Archives: substantial shareholding

Hong Kong- SFC Update Disclosure of Interests Substantial Shareholding

On 24 May 2024, HK SFC issued circular on treasury units of REITs. HK SFC issued circular to management companies of SFC-authorized real estate investment trusts (REIT), regarding treasury units of SFC-authorized REITs. Also amended the Outline of part XV of the Securities and futures ordinance (cap. 571)(SFO), disclosure of interests (DI), re mandatory electronic…
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Poland – UOK Investment Regulations Re: Takeovers, Substantial Shareholding

On 9 May 2024, POL UOK issued new clarifications on investment control regulations. Purpose of regulations was to protect against takeover of Polish companies important for public order, safety or health by entities from outside the EU, EEA and the OECD; the solution is modeled on regulations existing in other countries e.g. GE, FR, ITA.…
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Taiwan – FSC Lowered Substantial Shareholding Threshold

On 6 May 2024, TAI EXC reminded the new substantial shareholding regulations will be effective from 10 May 2024. Background On 19 March 2024, TAI FSC said disclosure threshold for substantial shareholding will be reduced from 10% to 5%; reports will shift from paper-based to electronic format. TAI EXC, TAI TPEX will handle submissions related…
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Taiwan – FSC Lowers Substantial Shareholding Threshold

On 17 April 2024, TAI TPEX published the amended regulation, forms, attachments. Background On 19 March 2024, TAI FSC said disclosure threshold for substantial shareholding will be reduced from 10% to 5%; reports will shift from paper-based to electronic format. TAI EXC, TAI TPEX will handle submissions related to substantial shareholding. Lowered disclosure threshold will…
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