Tag Archives: short position

Iceland – CB Cancels Net Short Position Threshold

On 15 March 2021, ICL CB reported end of net short position holders decision. ICL CB noted EFTASA's temporary decision on the threshold for notifying short positions expires 19 March 2021, as GDP forecasts show some optimism for recovery. Follows ESMA March 2021 ended decision on holders of net short positions. And follows EFTASA March…
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E.U. – ESMA Expires Temporary Short Selling Reporting Threshold

On 15 March, 2021, EU ESMA said it will not renew decision that net short positions holders, traded on EU regulated market, must notify NCA if position reaches 0.1%. The measure, which has applied since 16 March 2020, will expire on 19 March 2021. Last reporting where the lower threshold of 0.1% applies will be…
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Hong Kong – SFC Fines for Inaccurate Short Selling Disclosure

On 22 February 2021, HK SFC fined Brilliance Asset Management Ltd $3.15mn. HK SFC fined Brilliance Asset Management Limited $3.15mn for failures to ensure short position reports (SPRs) for 4 collective investment schemes (CIS) were accurate. Also failed to ensure the schemes under its management complied with requirements under securities and futures (short position reporting)…
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ESMA Net Short Position Threshold

On 22 February 2021, EU ESMA issued the renewal decision of 16 December 2020, in EU OJ. The short selling threshold is in force from 19 December 2020 and applies for three months to 19 March 2021.  
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