Tag Archives: Foreign Investment

France – Temporary Lowers Thresholds for Foreign Investment

On 23 July 2020, FR GVT issued decree 2020-892 of 22 July 2020 relating to the temporary lowering of control threshold for foreign investments in French companies whose shares are admitted to trading on a regulated market in official gazette. Published in official gazette on 23 July 2020. Decree does not apply to investments made…
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U.S. – Treasury on Foreign Investment

On 20 July 2020,  US spoke on committee on foreign investment (CFIUS). Keynote remarks by US Treasury assistant secretary for investment security, Thomas Feddo, at the American conference institute's sixth national conference on CFIUS. CFIUS is an interagency committee reviews foreign investment transactions in US and certain real estate transactions by foreign persons from national…
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China – SAFE Foreign Investment Reporting

On 30 June 2020, CHI SAMR issued notice on foreign information reporting system. Clarify division of responsibilities, improve communication and coordination system. Reports of foreign investment enterprises should be collected at SAMR big data center. Increase publicity efforts on the rights and obligations of information reporting, and promote training to improve service, in order to…
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China – NDRC Issues Negative List for Foreign Investment

On 24 June 2020, CHI NDRC released negative lists for foreign investment access. Special management measures for foreign investment access (negative list) (2020) and for foreign investment access in the free trade pilot zone (negative list) (2020). Negative list of foreign investment access was reduced from 40 to 33, and list of foreign investment access…
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Australia – Published Paper on Foreign Investment

On 22 June 2020, AST PROD published Australian foreign investment paper. AST PROD has released a commission research paper Foreign Investment in Australia. Reviewed Australian foreign investment trends, drivers, effects and government policy. Key Points Benefits the economy, but some risk that can be managed by government policy. Over past 2 centuries, it has supported…
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