Russia – CB Pension Fund Investment Rules

Russia – CB Pension Fund Investment Rules

On 21 May 2020, RUS CB expanded NPF, IF investment opportunities.

  • RUS CB announced expanded investment opportunities of non-state pension funds (NPFs) and assets of investment funds (IF) to reduce negative consequence of Covid.
  • Changes include decrease in the concentration limits set for investment of pension savings funds of pension funds and IF assets from 1 July 2020, to 1 July 2021.
  • Permitted to invest pension funds of NPFs in units of exchange-traded mutual funds.
  • To maintain mortgage lending, RUS CB will, on ongoing basis, allocate a 5% limit on pension saving fund investments in mortgage-backed bonds with high credit ratings.
  • At same time, these securities excluded from 10% limit on investing in individual assets with additional level of risk, limit itself gradually reduced to 7% by 1 July 2022.
  • In 2019, a survey of non-state pension funds to determine potential for expanding investments in mortgage bonds was conducted, results published on SRO NFA website.


  • Relevant amendments will enter into force on 21 May 2020.