Austria – GVT Beneficial Owner Register

Austria – GVT Beneficial Owner Register

On 9 December 2019, AUT GVT issued rules on beneficial owners register.

  • AUT GVT published ordinance of federal minister of finance on additional technical possibilities for access to commercial ownership register (WiEReG-EinsichtsV).

Content and Legal Basis

  • Per S9, S17 (5) of commercial ownership register act (WiEReG), BGBl I No. 136/2017.
  • On retrieval, by obliged party, of extended extract from register of beneficial owners.
  • As per S 9 Abs. 3 WiEReG additional XML file must be provided whose content must include general data, information on the legal entity, data on economic owners, etc.
  • Requirements analogous to extract data in XML file sent via web service to money laundering registration office and federal office for protection of the constitution and fight against terrorism (S1 para. 3 of police act, BGBl I No. 5/2016 as amended).


  • Ordinance comes into effect on 11 March 2020.