Croatia – HANFA Consumer Complaints 2023 Re: Takeovers

Croatia – HANFA Consumer Complaints 2023 Re: Takeovers

On Aug. 14, CRO HANFA issued report on consumer complaints 2023.

  • CRO HANFA published a report on consumer complaints (takeover, insurance, etc..) it received during 2023.


  • In 2023 198 consumer complaints received, 32 (19%) more than in 2022, compared to annual average complaints received from 2016 to 2023 it equates to 16% increase.
  • Complaints about domestic capital market rose slightly, significant proportion related to small shareholders of joint-stock company in connection with takeover share price.
  • All complaints sent to CRO HANFA in 2023 have been processed and resolved, either by the regulator itself, or by forwarding to the appropriate competent institution.
  • CRO HANFA analyzes causes of complaints received, an important tool for monitoring issues which contributes to its supervisory, educational and regulatory activities.