Monthly Archives: May 2023

Norway – FSA Fines 6 Investors for Short Selling

On 15 May 2023, NORFSA fined six investors for short selling rule breaches. NORFSA issued violation fees to six investors for uncovered short selling in Flyr issue. Breaches related to awarding of shares in private placement in Flyr AS in November 2022. Administrative Fines NORFSA issued fines between NOK 50,000 and NOK 5,000,000 for breaches…
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Czechia – CB Qualifying Holding Acquisition

On 12 May 2023, CZC CB consulted on draft methodology for assessment. CZC CB opened a public consultation in relation to the draft methodology for assessing qualifying holdings of certain entities which are subject to CZC CB supervision. Purpose Acquisition and increase of a qualified shareholding in certain entities subject to CZC CB supervision is…
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Denmark – CRG Foreign Investment Disclosure

On 12 May 2023, DEN CRG consulted on procedural and disclosure orders. DEN CRG published consultations on draft new procedural order, draft confidentiality and disclosure notice for foreign investments, list of authorities, and overview letter. Follows DEN PRL March 2023, adopted bill on cross-border transactions. Summary Order on procedures for applications for permits for foreigners…
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S Africa – Updated Vetting for Collective Investment Scheme Managers

On 4 May 2023, RSA FSCA updated on vetting process for CIS managers. RSA FSCA informed collective investment scheme (CIS) managers and trustees about changes to the RSA FSCA's approach to conducting criminal verification checks. Re directors and significant owners, who are natural persons, of CIS managers. Revised Approach Revised process for conducting criminal verification…
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Switzerland – SECO Screen Foreign Investment

On 10 May 2023, SWI GVT took note of results of the consultation on a new law on investment screening, consultation bill was rejected by most participants consulted. Majority against investment screening in principle as harmful to business, associated curb on economic freedom is excessive, if introduced its scope should be narrowed. Focus should be…
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