Tag Archives: voting rights

Germany – BaFin Voting Rights Notification

On 22 December 2022, GE BaFin issued on significant voting rights notification. GE BaFin issued details on mandatory notification re significant voting rights' changes. Mandatory Notification Natural, legal persons must notify the amount of voting rights in listed companies. As soon as they reach, exceed or fall below one of the threshold values through the…
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S Korea- FTC K Cube Holdings Voting Restrictions

On 15 December 2022, SK FTC penalized K Cube for violating voting rules. SK FTC issued a corrective order to K Cube Holdings, an affiliate of Kakao Co. Ltd, for violating restrictions on voting rights of financial companies and insurance companies. Violations Rules state that a company that belongs to a business group subject to…
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Switzerland – CDBF Shareholding Reporting

On 6 October 2022 SWI CDBF reported case on group shareholding reporting. SWI CDBF issued comment on Federal Court's ruling 2C_546/2020 of 18 August  2022. The ruling clarified the terms of application of the standards on the disclosure of participations in collective capital investments under provisions of art. 120 of LIMF. Background The first financial…
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Netherlands – Courts Voting Rights’ Agreement

On 24 August 2022, NLD Courts ruled shareholders' voting agreement legal. NLD Courts ruled on agreement between shareholders to exercise their voting rights in the event of a tie in accordance with advice to be obtained from third parties. Supreme Court ruled the above in context of action re legality of the said agreement. Context…
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Germany – BaFin Fines for Late Shareholding Disclosure

On 11 August 2022, GE BaFin fined Bank of America Corporation €5.1mn. GE BaFin said it imposed €5.1mn administrative fine on Bank of America Corporation for late shareholding disclosure. Voting Rights Penalty related to breach of section 130 (1), Act on Breaches of Administrative Regulations (OWiG), in conjunction with sections 33 (1) sentence 1, 38…
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