Tag Archives: thresholds

UK – FCA Updated Info for Short Selling Regime

On 16 January 2023, UK FCA updated the information on the notification and disclosure of net short selling positions, relating to the data regarding the UK sovereign debt thresholds. It also includes all of the uncovered positions in UK sovereign CDS, that may be held. This section had been updated with figures valid as of…
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Italy – Consob Changes to Substantial Shareholding

On 10 April 2020, ITA Consob issued enhanced substantial shareholding reporting obligations. Consob adopted two provisions for enhanced transparency regarding obligation to disclose substantial shareholdings for some Stock Exchange listed Italian companies. Also cover declaration of intentions acquisition of shareholdings in listed companies. Resolutions 21326, 21327 Resolution nos. 21326 and 21327, both Apr. 9, 2020,…
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