Tag Archives: sensitive sector

Guernsey – Sensitive Sector Changes to Banking Supervision Laws

On 19 October 2021, GUE GFSC issued an update on banking supervision laws. GUE GFSC published a consolidated version of Banking Supervision (Bailiwick Of Guernsey) Law 1994, including details of amendments made to the 1994 law. Changes definition of "Shareholder Controller", addressing applicable thresholds for protected cell companies (PCC) Effective These changes become effective 1…
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Russia – CB Foreign Investment in Banks

On 30 December 2020, RUS CB issued rules on foreign investment in banks. RUS CB issued Ord. No. 5618-U on the procedure for the application and termination of the application by RUS CB of the measures provided by Pt 6 of Art 18 of the law on banks and banking activities and the procedure of…
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UK – Gov’t National Security, Investment Bill

On 11 November 2020, UKP issued bill on national security and investments. UKP said national security and investments bill 2019-21 had first commons reading. UK GVT issued statement of policy intent, impact assessment, regulatory policy committee report, memos on human rights, delegated powers and regulatory reform committee, plus factsheets on overview of bill and the…
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Taiwan – FSC Shareholding in Insurance Firms

On 19 May 2020, TAI FSC amended rules on insurance shareholding. Amended article 139-1 of the insurance act, on supervision for eligibility of the controlling shareholders of an insurance company, to implement equity transparency. Amendment When the third party mentioned in article 139-1 part 3 is a legal person, the actual beneficiary or ultimate controller…
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