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India – SEBI Shareholdings Non-Compliance

On 14 May 2020, IND SEBI granted relaxation from the applicability of 2017 circular. Accordingly, the stipulations are relaxed for listed entities for whom the deadline to comply with MPS requirements falls between the period from 1 March and 31 August.
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Spain – CNMV Pre-Trade Transparency

On 11 May 2020, ESP CNMV announced suspension of MIFIR exemptions. ESP CNMV announced suspension for 6 months of exemptions to pre-transparency obligations in the negotiation of certain listed shares as per data published by ESMA. Follows ESMA January 2020 issued latest MIFID II double volume cap data. Overview Follows ESMA new data regarding volume…
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China – SAFE Foreign Investment Fund

On 7 May 2020, CHI SAFE, CHI CB implemented regulations on the management of domestic securities and futures investment funds of overseas institutional investors. Cancel investment quota limitations for QFII and RQFII, implement registration management for the cross-border remittance and exchange of qualified investors. Implement integrated management of currencies, simplify procedures for remittance of domestic…
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Russia – Issuer Disclosure Guidelines

On 7 May 2020, RUS CB announced deadlines for issuers to disclose Q1 information. Issuers must publish text of issuer's report for Q1 2020 no later than 15 June 2020. The list of affiliates for Q1 2020 should be disclosed no later than 25 May 2020. 2019 annual accounting statements to be published by 27…
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