On 16 December 2020, MLY SCM, BML announced uplifting of the temporary suspension of regulated short selling (RSS), and reviewed other market management measures.
- Suspension of RSS, scheduled to expire on 31 December 2020, will be uplifted on 1 January 2021.
- Will have enhanced control measures; daily gross short position limit for approved securities temporarily reduced to 2%, cap of 4% on aggregated net short position.
- Suspension on intraday short selling (IDSS) and intraday short selling by proprietary day traders (PDT short sale) due to expire 31 December 2020, will be extended to 28 February 2021.
- Temporary waivers in relation to PDT will be extended to 28 February 2021 accordingly.
- Temporary revisions to existing market management measures, namely the dynamic and static price limits as well as the circuit breaker, will be extended to 30 May 2021.
- Temporary relief measures re margin financing will be extended to 30 June 2021.